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     SSTC IV. is an attempt to build Solid State Tesla Coil, which instead of MOSFETs uses IGBTs. Schematic is based on the previous proven circuits: SSTC I., SSTC II. a SSTC III.. I replaced MOSFETs with IGBT transistors, each of them right with two pieces :). Type STGW30NC60W has no internal diode, so it is necessary to use discrete antiparallel diodes. I used a large double diode STTH200L06TV1, but I think it is not necessarily to use such large one and it would work with 4pcs of MUR1560 or FES16JT, one for each IGBT. Another solution is to use IGBT with built-in diodes. I tested the type STGW30NC60WD, that is not much different from the previous type, except those internal diodes. Due to the high input power I have omitted the isolating transformer and connected it directly to mains, as most of SSTC builders do. Therefore it is necessary to use potentiometer, which is used to tune it to resonance, that has plastic shaft, or at least a suitable plastic button. EMI filter L1 I got from the microwave oven. The device requires an external adapter 14-15V for the control circuit, current drawn is very small, around 10 mA. This voltage can also be obtained directly from mains via high power resistor.

     Operating frequency can be tuned in range of 110 - 210kHz. Resonance frequency of the secondary should therefore fit into this range. I used secondary from ISSTC II., which has wire diameter 0.2mm on novodur pipe with a diameter of 108mm. length of winding is 375mm. Resonance with no top capacity is 204kHz. With the termination capacity (cans), I reached the resonant frequency of 140kHz. The primary has 5z and also comes from ISSTC II. Sparks to the grouns are about 40cm and streamers 35cm. Power consumption is approximately 1200 - 1400 Watts. IGBTs are almost cold.

     !!! WARNING !!! Tesla coil is extremely dangerous device! Without knowledge of the principles of working with high voltage, you should not construct it. All parts are connected directly to mains. Tesla coil is causing a broadband radio frequency interference. Electromagnetic radiation can damage electronic devices or storage media. During the operation it produces ozone (O3) and other toxic gases, must be ventilated! Everything you do at your own risk! For any injury I do not take any responsibility.

Schematic of solid state tesla coil (SSTC) with IGBT.
Schematic of solid state tesla coil with IGBT.

Running SSTC with IGBT
Running SSTC

Operating SSTC with IGBT

Working Solid state tesla coil

Sparks from Solid state tesla coil
Streamers from Solid state tesla coil

Streamers from SSTC with IGBT
Streamers from SSTC with IGBT

blockind pulse capacitors  2u2 450V
blockind pulse capacitors

The entire system od SSTC with IGBT except the filter and bridge rectifier
The entire system od SSTC with IGBT except the filter and bridge rectifier

Each of IGBTs has its own cooler (heatsink) from old CPU.
Each of IGBTs has its own cooler (heatsink) from old CPU.
